Personal Profile
1. Name Prof. Sanjay Ray
3. Department COMMERCE
4. Gender Male
5. DOB & Age 02-05-1965 & 59 Years
6. Email
7. Residential address Vill. + P.O. - Barabahera,Via Nabagram Naity Road, P.S.- Uttarpara, Dist. Hooghly, Pin - 712246
Academic profile
Area of specialization: Accounting
Educational qualification(degree onwards):
Degree Subject Institution Year of passing Grade/percentage
M.Com Accounting Group University of Calcutta 1989 2nd Class (55.63%)
CMA Institute Of Cost And Works Accountants Of India 1996 Qualified
B.Ed All Bengal Teachers Training College, Kolkata 1994 2nd Class/56.9%

Teaching experience:
Designation Institution Period of work Experience in years
Associate Professor Acharya Girish Chandra Bose College, Kolkata 1997-Present 26 Years Years
Papers/ articles in seminar proceedings:
Sl No. Name Of The Seminar Proceedings Name of Article Paper Publisher Place of Publication Year of Publication Pages
1 National Seminar on Inclusive Growth Through Open and Distance Learning:Strategy and Policy Perspectives For Higher Education Perspective and purposes of Distance Education in Modern Era Center for Distance and Online Education, University of North Bengal NBU Press, Darjeeling,West Bengal 2023 22
Research projects undertaken/ ongoing research projects
14. Key positions/Additional responsibilities held in the college:
Sl No. Name of key role Name of institution Duration Academic year
1 Joint Convenor of Routine Sub-Committee Acharya Girish Chandra Bose College,Kolkata 2 years 2022-Present
2 Joint Convenor of Gender Sensitisization and Anti-Sexual Harassment Cell Acharya Girish Chandra Bose College,Kolkata 5 years 2018-Present
3 Student Credit Card and Other Welfare Monitoring Cell Nodal Officer Acharya Girish Chandra Bose College,Kolkata 3 years 2021-Present
4 Head of The Department of Commerce Acharya Girish Chandra Bose College,Kolkata 20 years 2000-2019, 2023-Present
5 President of Student Council Acharya Girish Chandra Bose College,Kolkata 15 years 2008-Present
6 Joint Convenor of The Academic Sub-Committee Acharya Girish Chandra Bose College,Kolkata 2 years 2022- Present
7 Joint Convenor of Anti Ragging Cell Acharya Girish Chandra Bose College,Kolkata 6 years 2017-Present
8 Joint Convenor of Grievance Cell Acharya Girish Chandra Bose College,Kolkata 4 years 2019-Present
9 Convenor of Campus Discipline Monitoring Unit Acharya Girish Chandra Bose College,Kolkata 6 years 2017-Present
10 Convenor of Wellness and Comportment Monitoing Cell Acharya Girish Chandra Bose College,Kolkata 2 years 2022-Present

Member of various bodies
  1. Teacher's Council - Member
  2. University Examination Sub-Committee - Member
  3. Internal Complaint Committee- Grievances, Gender Harassment and Anti-Ragging - Member
  4. Liability Development Sub-Committee - Member
  5. College Games, Sports and Gymnasium Sub Committee - Member